This is the great sequel like to the original Virtual Villagers game, which is quite similar. Continue the epic story of the castaways of Isola in Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children! Guide your tribe as they rescue a group of lost children and help them survive new adventures. Lead your villagers as they solve all new puzzles and the hidden mysteries of the western shores of the island. Raise children who resemble their parents and uncover new surprises every time you play! The next thrilling episode is about to begin! Will your tribe survive? Care for and nurture a tribe of little people by teaching them the basics of survival. Freegamedownloads Fleeing from a volcano eruption, your little villagers find themselves stranded on a mysterious new island. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists and parents as they make decisions about unpredictable 'island events'! Help them explore and restore their new home. As your village grows and prospers, your villagers become curious about their mysterious new island home and the secrets it holds. How will you lead your tribe?
Click here for this great free game download to play this like similar sequel to Virtual Villagers.
Don't read these unless you want to know EXACTLY how to solve each of the puzzles. 1st in the series...click to DOWNLOAD here. But if you are looking for more games, read past this entry for more unique great games not involving villagers...
Puzzle 1 involves building a fire in the fire pit. Drag one of your villagers to the pile of dry wood in the southwest part of the village to gather firewood. After the wood is placed in the fire pit, take a villager to the very dry grass that can be found to the west of the coconut trees. Once the firewood and dry grass have been placed in the fire pit, drag a villager there to light the fire. You will need to replenish the firewood periodically to keep the fire from going out.
Puzzle 2 freegamesdownload is the construction of a dam that will divert water from the stream to an area that can be used for farming. After you purchase Level 2 of Engineering Tech, drag a villager to the rocks that are in the middle of the lower portion of the stream. You will see a message, "He/she could probably build a dam here."
Puzzle 3 is a scarecrow that an adept farmer free can construct in order to protect the crops from the birds. Drag an adept or master farmer to the twisted pieces of wood and vines that are located in the northern portion of the village freegamedownload. The scarecrow requires two trips to complete, so make sure that you finish the construction, or your crops will not be protected.
Puzzle 4 is the fashioning of special cutting tools that will be needed to cut away vegetation in some parts of the village. After purchasing Level 2 of Exploration Tech, drag a master scientist to the northern part of the village where he will see something among the rocks near the twisted pieces of wood and vines. Your scientist will need to make a second trip to finish the tools, so take him to the twisted wood and vines to get the necessary materials freegamesdownload.
Puzzle 5 is completed when your villagers learn mastery of six special plants located in various parts of the village. Drag a villager to each of them and watch for the message that each has been mastered. The plants are (beginning in the northwest part of the village and moving clockwise): the odd-looking plant immediately to the left of the very dry grass, the freegamedownload blue flower between the thorns and the rocks, the small lavender flower at the northern edge of the graveyard, the black flowers near the waterfall, the bright reddish flowers south of the dam site, and the large orange-red flower at the south edge of the village.
Puzzle 6 is completed when you have sufficiently trained a villager to become master in three skills. That villager will become an Esteemed Elder, and a totem will be created to commemorate their new status in the village.
Puzzle 7 is the elimination of the algae in the ocean that was caused by over fishing. After purchasing Level 3 of Farming Tech freegamedownload, take a master farmer or master scientist to the pond, where they will collect algae-eating fish that they can use to repopulate the ocean. Once sufficient fish have been placed in the ocean, the algae will once again be under control and the villagers will have unrestricted fishing.
Puzzle 8 is the removal of the vines that cover the wall on the east side of the village. After you purchase Level 3 of Culture Tech and have completed Puzzle 4, drag a villager to the vine-covered wall and they will begin cutting away the vines.
Puzzle 9 is the ability to make various stews for your villagers. To make stew, you will need to have purchased Level 2 of Exploration Tech, retrieved the cauldron from the wood pile, mastered at least one of the special plants, and started a fire in the fire pit. The steps to make a stew are: 1) Drop a villager on the cauldron to put the cauldron on the fire 2) Drop a villager on the cauldron again, freegamedownload and he or she will go get water for the stew 3) Drop a villager on any of the mastered plants, and the villager will gather herbs for the stew. Each stew requires a total of 3 herbs, in any combination. 4) Drop a villager on the cauldron again, and he or she will go get food to add to the stew. When the stew is complete, the villager will move the cauldron off the fire. Some stews are good, some are bad, and some make your villagers do interesting things. Experiment and have fun with them. You can also find different "recipe books" freegamesdownload that have been created for the game that contain all of the stew combinations.
Puzzle 10 requires Level 3 of both Engineering Tech and Exploration Tech. Drag a villager to the ancient covered floor in the southeast part of the village and they will begin uncovering the site.
Puzzle 11 is the construction of a hospital. After you purchase both Level 3 of Engineering Tech and Medicine Tech, a freegamedownloads foundation will appear that your villagers can work on.
Puzzle 12 is the construction of a sewing hut, which will allow you to change the clothing that your villagers are wearing. After you purchase Level 2 of Culture Tech, a foundation will appear that your villagers can work on.
Puzzles 13-16 are the pieces of the Gong of Wonder. The four pieces can be retrieved in the following ways:
* freegamedownloads A team of 3 Master Builders can open the crate on the beach, where one of the pieces has been hidden.
* After purchasing Level 2 of Exploration, your villagers can clear the thorns blocking access to the gong encasement, which will also reveal a piece of the gong.
* Prepare a magic stew that will allow one of your villagers to dive for the sunken gong piece in the pond. The herbs needed for that magic stew are: one of the black flower near the waterfall and two of the red-orange flower on the south side of the village. The pictures of the required herbs can be seen in the drawings on the wall once the vines have been removed.
* After finishing Puzzles 6 and 10, freegamesdownload drop a totem in the center of the uncovered mosaic to reveal a piece of the gong. Once the gong is assembled you can experiment with the effects that it has on your village. You can bang the gong once every 24 hours.
The Stew
In order to make stews, you must first recover the cauldron from the wood pile in the southwest. It will appear after you purchase Level Two Exploration. With the fire burning and the cauldron next to it, drop a villager on the cauldron three times. Once each to put it on the fire, fill it with water and add food. freegamedownloads Then, drop a villager on any of the herbs you have mastered adding a total of three to the mix in any combination (you can use multiples of the same herb).
1. The green plant in the upper left hanging over the wall of stones.
2. The blue flower at the top center just to the right of the cave.
3. The lavender daisy at the far top-right above the sacred area.
4. The black chain of flowers just above the waterfall on the east.
5. The bright red flowers southeast of the dam freegamedownload.
6. The large orange flower to the south of the village.
Of course, different selections of herbs will have different results. Keep track of the ingredients in all the stews you make. You want to avoid duplication and don't want to recreate a bad stew (it can make your villagers sick). If you treat your villagers to the best, they will stay healthy and remain happy.
Here are some recipes free-game-downloads to get you started. The numbers for each herb correspond to the herbs as listed and identified under Herb Mastery.
1 2 6 = Your villager feels healthier after eating.
1 5 6 = This stew gave your villager a burst of energy.
2 3 4 = This spicy stew clears your villager's nose and throat.
3 5 6 = This stew gives off a very sweet smell.
4 5 6 = Your villager feels healthier.
4 6 6 = Strange stew...your villager feels no need to breathe.
**** If you are a fan of The Sims freegamedownloads, and the television show "Lost" then this is the game for you. In the hour that I played it, I fell in love with it! It is definitely a game that would be worth the price of the full version to buy! ****************
*** Okay, just like the last Virtual Villager game, alot of people wrote me in on how to solve the puzzles, walkthru, hints, tips, tricks for Virtual Villagers 2 Lost Children. Here is the run down:
The following is a list of solutions to the game's puzzles, 16 in all. So, don't read further unless you need help solving them. You've been warned!
Most of the game's puzzles are dependent on a mixture of technology and villager skills. Plus, some puzzles need to be completed before you can accomplish others. Also, don't be fooled into thinking that they're completed in the order displayed, as that's not necessarily the case.
The free-games-download first puzzle to be solved is starting a fire. Drop a villager on the wood pile in the southwest corner of the island and they will carry wood to the fire pit in the center. Then, take them to the pink flowers west of the coconut trees to collect some dried grass. Once the wood and grass are in place, drop them onto the fire pit and they will start a fire. Make sure to add wood occasionally to keep the fire from going out.
The Dam
Once you reach Level Two Engineering, drop a builder on the rocks just above the pool of water in the southeast corner of the island. They will construct a dam to irrigate the fields to the immediate left freegamedownloads so that crops can be planted. This will also uncover an ancient mosaic on the ground, the site of a later puzzle.
The Scarecrow
This puzzle requires the completion of the dam above. Once you plant your crops, you need a scarecrow to keep the parrots away. Drop an Adept-level (or better) farmer on the twisted pieces of wood and vine just below the rock pile in the north center of the map. You'll need to do this twice.
The Cutting Tool
You need a cutting tool to clear the vegetation that covers the entrance to the cave in the north and the vine wall to the east freegamesdownload. After you acquire Level Two Exploration, drop a Master Scientist on the sharp stones just above and to the right of the twisted pieces of wood and vine used for the scarecrow. When he's done, take him back for a second trip for the wood and vines necessary to finish the tool.
Herb Mastery
This puzzle is easy to complete early in the game. Six herbs are located around the edges of the map. Each one will be identified as a "strange plant" when a villager is held over it. Have a healer examine each one of them until they master it to complete this puzzle. The location of each herb is as follows freegamedownload:
1. The green plant in the upper left hanging over the wall of stones.
2. The blue flower at the top center just to the right of the cave.
3. The lavender daisy at the far top-right above the sacred area.
4. The black chain of flowers just above the waterfall on the east.
5. The bright red flowers southeast of the dam.
6. The large orange flower to the south of the village.
The Elder Totem
Once you have a villager who has freegamedownload mastered three skills, they become an Esteemed Elder. When this happens, a totem is created and placed in your village in their honor. It can be moved anywhere you like.
Sustainable Fishing
When the ocean to the west is over-fished, it develops algae. To eliminate the problem and restore fishing, special algae-eating fish must be transported from the pond to the ocean. This requires Level Three Farming and a Master Farmer or Master Scientist. Take them to the pond and drop them in. Once enough algae-eating fish are transported to the ocean, the algae will clear.
The Vine Wall
Along the east wall are a number of vines that conceal some strange markings. To uncover these, you must first complete the cutting tool and purchase Level Three Culture. Drag a villager to the wall and release them. They will use the cutting tool to remove the vegetation.
The Stew
In order to make stews, you must first recover the cauldron from the wood pile in the southwest. It will appear after you purchase Level Two Exploration. With the fire burning and the cauldron next to it, drop a villager on the cauldron three times. Once each to put it on the fire, fill it with water and add food. Then, drop a villager on any of the herbs you have mastered adding a total of three to the mix in any combination (you can use multiples of the same herb).
Of course, different selections of herbs will have different results. Keep track of the ingredients in all the stews you make. You want to avoid duplication and don't want to recreate a bad stew (it can make your villagers sick). If you treat your villagers to the best, they will stay healthy and remain happy.
Here are some recipes to get you started. The numbers for each herb correspond to the herbs as listed and identified under Herb Mastery.
1+2+6 = Your villager feels healthier after eating.
1+5+6 = This stew gave your villager a burst of energy.
2+3+4 = This spicy stew clears your villager's nose and throat.
3+5+6 = This stew gives off a very sweet smell.
4+5+6 = Your villager feels healthier.
4+6+6 = Strange stew...your villager feels no need to breathe.
The Ancient Ruins
Once you've completed the dam and reached Level Three Engineering and Exploration, you can drag a villager to the ancient ruins in the southeast corner of the map and they will start uncovering the site.
The Hospital
Obtain Level Three Engineering and Medicine, and a foundation will appear in the south central portion of the map. This lets your villagers build a hospital.
The Sewing Hut
Once you reach Level Two Culture, a foundation become visible for a sewing hut just east of the wood pile in the southwest corner of Isola. This allows your villagers to change clothing, but at a cost of 5,000 tech points each. Ouch! Where's Thurston Howell III when you need him?
The Sunken Gong Piece
One piece of the gong is located in the pool on the eastern edge of the village. This sunken gong piece is obtained by making a special magic stew consisting of one of the black flowers near the waterfall and two of the large orange flowers to the south of the village (herbs 4+6+6 as indicated above). Have a villager eat the stew, and then drop them in the pool.
The Inlaid Gong Piece
Once one of your villagers has become an Esteemed Elder and been honored with a totem and after you've completed the ancient ruins puzzle, drop a totem on the mosaic in the center of the ruins to retrieve another piece of the gong.
The Boxed Gong Piece
This piece of the gong is inside the crate on the beach to the west. Three Master Builders working together are needed to open it.
The Overgrown Gong Piece
After you purchase Exploration Level Two and complete the cutting tool, your villagers can clear away the vegetation blocking the cave to the north (the Gong Encasement). Doing so reveals a piece of the gong.
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